Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New to In-House Committee Legal Quickie- online life

Any thoughts about what Ted Claypoole shared with the New to In-house Committee today on Second Life and the issues surrounding it?

Below is the description of the Legal Quickie from today's call:

Business Risks and Rewards in Online Virtual Worlds.

Moderator: Susanna McDonald, General Counsel, Claimant Management Systems
Guest speaker: Ted Claypoole, authority on internet law at Womble Carlyle Sandridge & Rice, PLLC

Topic Description:
Millions of people participate in online virtual worlds, and millions of dollars are spent in them. The three-dimensional immersive computing that characterizes these worlds will probably be the future of interactivity online for nearly all businesses. Companies are beginning to participate in these online communities, but the risks and rewards are not always clear.

This presentation will define and explain the significant online virtual worlds and will discuss who is participating in them. The speaker will discuss the various ways that corporations are playing and profiting from these social networks, and the new economies created by new worlds. Finally, the group will analyze and discuss the legal risks and business risks that your company may face if it chooses to play or profit in the virtual space.

In particular, the presentation will focus on legal risks highlighted b the Second Life Banking Crisis of 2007-2008, and on case studies of corporate commitments to virtual worlds.

For more information on virtual worlds, including Second Life, visit the links below.

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