Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Rule of Law or Rule of Men?

We in the US promote the notion that our society is based on the Rule of Law, not the Rule of Men. However, each day judicial decisions come down that suggest that we may only be fooling ourselves.

One of the most adamant proponents of the notion that law is an immutable doctrine whose meaning is set at the time the legal doctrine is established is Justice Scalia. Scalia’s originialist doctrine asserts that the US Constitution is not a living document which adapts to the times; its meaning was frozen at the time it was written. Scalia’s thesis is that if you permit flexibility, then there are no restraints on what judges can do.

The Scalia thesis makes sense and I believe he applies it equally to the interpretation of statutes. He is not enthusiastic about looking at legislative history, knowing full well that unsuccessful legislators who lose in the legislative process try to pack the history with statements that sympathetic judges can latch upon to rewrite the statute.

Perhaps the most obvious excuse that judges use to impose their own views is the notion that a statute can be interpreted beyond the bounds of its language “because that statute is a remedial statute.” When judges used that rationalization on me I challenged them to give me one example of a statute that was not remedial.

Unfortunately, even Scalia has stumbled off the wagon when political expediency required. In a case I argued before the Supreme Court a number of years ago, the foreign national companies and associated amicus countries had trapped the Supreme Court into facing the issue of the constitutionality of worldwide combined apportionment (a state tax that included non-domestically derived income in the apportionment the tax base) in the context of whether a foreign parent had standing because its income was being taxed. Since foreign parents had no state remedy, the Tax Injunction Act did not bar a federal court remedy. Three circuits, one en banc, had held with no dissents that the Tax Injunction Act did not bar a foreign parent action.

The political reality of those days was “states rights” of the Reagan Era. A disingenuous Supreme Court held that resolving the standing issue was “too hard”, but they did not have to face the issue since they dismissed the case 9-0 holding the Tax Injunction Act barred the federal action. The Tax Injunction Act clearly did not apply to this situation as the Circuit Courts had uniformly held because Congress never conceived of such a tax situation when the Act was passed. However, even Scalia will breathe life into a document if the political forces are in the right direction.

Why should you be concerned? Your clients require a predictable legal system, and the economic incentives of your outside counsel are inconsistent with predictability. Perhaps one of the most outrageous challenges to the Rule of Law is the persistence of the notion of non-precedential opinions. The idea that similarly situated parties can be treated differently is so antithetical to notion the rule of law it is surprising to me that in-house bar has largely been silent. At Congressional hearings on the topic a few years ago, I was the only in-house representative at a hearing largely unattended except for the judiciary and a couple academics.

Except for the late Judge Richard Arnold, the federal judiciary seems to accept the notion that they do not have to treat similarly situated parties the same. The Supreme Court has been silent on the issue because they are consumed with promulgating legal doctrines regardless if anybody pays much practical attention to them.

Take Erie v. Tompkins, the lower courts have long ago reversed The Supreme Court in practice. Numerous Circuits, outstanding among them the Ninth Circuit, of course, refuse to certify issues to the State Supreme Court for determination even though there was strident disagreement in the Circuit as to what the state law is—the majority preferring to impose their own views and paying lip service to Erie by claiming it was state law.

Then there is the chilling observation of Federal District Court Judge Polster, who said that after he was appointed to the Court and began reviewing the recent rulings of the Sixth Circuit, it became clear to him one could not determine what the law was until you knew who was on the panel making the decision—Rule of Law or Rule of Man?

-Larry Salibra
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